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Address :
37 Keong Saik Rd, Singapore 089144

Contact :
Tel +65-6557 0349

If you were to bump into a brand on the street your reaction should be, “Well, hello! Where have you been all my life?” versus “Oh no. Here comes that loud, sweaty guy with the bad shirt trying to sell me something. Run!”

In today’s dynamic world, brands, like people, need to be and act cool. Our job is to help them discover their core reason for being and then nurture it with integrity through thoughtful storytelling - both entertaining and useful - that’s never a waste of the man on the street’s precious time.

Whether it’s a brand launch or a product demonstration, we believe in the power of good storytelling. It’s more memorable, more engaging and people are more inclined to take action when they are involved in a good story.

We support creative independence
Our collaborative agency model allows us to tell our stories in the most integrated, engaging way possible. Being open to possibilities allows us to choose the best production solution for each job. Whatever the communication challenge, we build bespoke teams for the duration of each project, with the best independent creative talent around the world.

We embrace ‘the Pinball Effect’
Our ideas often take us into new and unexpected areas, beyond our core areas of expertise. We embrace this process with our clients as it offers new opportunities for us to learn and grow together. We call it the 'Pinball Effect'; when ideas ricochet into new and unexpected directions. Arcade is our playroom – an entrepreneurial ecosystem that challenges us to keep pushing the boundaries of creativity and technology in communication.

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